Day 35:: ZzZzZzzzzzzzzZzzzzZzz

Assalamualaikum. Hi, it's been awhile. Lama dah kot xmenaip kat blog nih. Few things to say:

1. I just toooooooooooooooooooo bz doing my assignment yang sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat HEBAT. I'm doing the line follower robot thing. Yesterday just finish the last part for the robot to be function which the motors part. Ok la boleh dah jalan tayar dia. Alhamdulillah. Today also dah bagi my lecturer tengok the motor. Overall ok, just got some problem on the coding part yang menyebabkan tayar kitorng sebelah je yg pusing. hahahah. My fren ask budak cina yang create coding tu, then dia kata pon sama jugak sebelah je yang pusing. He already ask the lecturer but no reponse yet. tunggu je la. If the coding is the problem, so gonna need to do another one la. If not, the motorla, maybe wrong connection. Lots of work to do lagi sebenarnye, quiz xsiap g. Sanagt not in mood. Dahla sok kena anta. How ah?

2. Saya seorang yang tabah! Boleh x pkai statement tuuh? Hahahha. Tabah ke aku. No I think. I'm not good enough to be orang yang tabah. I always ask HIM to help me to be strong. Huhuhu. HE knows everything I felt. Ngan sapa lagi kita nk mintak tolong kn? Ofcoursela dengan Allah. HE knows everything. I've been through many hard-sad-sick-things during this two weeks. Xtaula nape. But i'm glad i still can smile till today. Alhamdulillah.

3. I miss my hometown again. Bila ade probs mesti rindu umah. Kadang2 terpikir, I want to be the old me. Macam masa kecik2 dulu. Xreti pasal probs ni. Yang aku tau, happy je. :P I miss my childhood frens. I miss my school even my primary school dekat je ngan umah actually. Hahahaha. But I miss that moment. I cry because my mom mad at me. Not like now, I cry when I got probs. What a weak girl. Apela Iza, dulu xnages pon klu ade masalah. kn? kn? Hahaha.

4. Honestly, I'm a weak person. Huhuhu. I have to be strong! Sekian terima kasih!

That's all. Thanks for reading my entry yang xbetul. Hahah. Daaaa. Assalamualaikum.

P/s: Next entry i will upload my robot's pic. :D


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