Day 39:: The traveler

Assalamualaikum. Morning!! So excited for this entry. Hahahha. Why? Why? Coz I really have a good time yesterday. Even there was problem during the journey but i still have fun. Yesterday I went out with my Mr.BF. As usual la, go for dating. Melaka ni ape je la yang ade kn? So we don't know where to go. At first my Mr.BF decide to cut his hair, so we went to the barber at Mydin.

It's my first went into a men barber shop. Macam ni rupanye kedai gunting rambut laki. Heheheh. That indian siap tnye aku lagi. Ok ke macam ni? Regarding to my Mr.BF hair. Hahahhaa. Ok kot. So the result is:

Macam pesalah nak masuk penjara dah muka. Hahah. He hates that style of hair. So went to the toilet to betulkan balik his hair.
Then we went to bnadarla macam biasa. Tetiba, xmo citerla. Biarla ia menjadi rahsia antara kami. Hahahah. So continue, macam biasa park at Hatten Square. After settle down all the problems baru rasa lega then start our journey around bandar melaka. I ask him to bring me to the red building or also known as stadyus. So kitorang pon berjalan kaki. Penat woooo! So here we are!

Actually banyak lagi tempat yang kitorng xjalan kat area bandar ni. Yela, biasanya pergi shopping mall je. Ingtkan nk masuk stadyus tu, but the ticket quite expesive. It cost RM5 for adult. No moneyla. So just walk around near the stadyus je la jawabnye. 
Got few shop near there selling souvenir. Jalan punye jalan, sampaila kat this place that have all the boat near the river cruise.

Jalan2 kat sini then terjumpa "MUZIUM KASTAM". Memandangkan entry dia free, then kitorang memang sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sangat masuk muzium, kitorang pon masukla. Not badla muzium tu. Best jugak (Xamik gambar kat situ, xbrani :P). Then jalan lagi sampai terjumpa "KINCIR AIR KESULTANAN MELAYU MELAKA". Rehat jap kat sna. Penat kot berjalan.
Then continue balik, walk until we find the "MENARA TAMING SARI". Lepak lagi, menghilangkan penat berjalan sampai sakit kaki. Hahahah.

Ni muka penat berjalan. Then we went to the park, nak balik.

Otw home still sempat amik gamba time traffic light merah. Hahaha. Penat berjalan. But it is the best day ever. Rasa macam kitorang gi melancong kat melaka. Hehehe. Thank so much dear for the "jalan-jalan". Hehehhe. (:
The end of the story of the traveler. Assalamualaikum!


  1. uweiii....very bad hair style !!! like trojan x cukup makan je akak tgk..

    bagunan merah tu akak dah bese2 jer....tapi mcm rugi je kalau x masuk...hikssss....

    p/s- adik akak tu makin gemokla...wakakakakka

  2. hahahah. buruk kn rmbut dia. iza dh ckp dh. pendek sgt. bgunan tu kitorng xmsuk pon. mahal la tiket dia. so jln tepi2 dia je. hahah. adik akak tuh mmg dh gemok. dia blasah je ape yg ade. hehehe


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